A Self-Paced Course Designed for Higher Education
Launch into the OER Universe! This course includes eight self-paced online learning modules that serve as an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education. An additional section provides opportunities for further exploration and discovery of OER initiatives in Michigan. While the modules may be completed in any order, it is recommended that you progress in order. Each module concludes with Concept Review sections to test your knowledge.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Define Open Educational Resources
Explain the rationale for OER adoption and use
Explain the differences between types of Creative Commons licenses
Identify repositories and other resources for finding relevant OER
Use tools and criteria to evaluate OER
Recognize steps and associated criteria for adapting and creating OER with proper attribution and licensing
Understand the process of creating and sharing open educational resources
Review the current landscape of OER in Michigan
We Welcome Your Feedback
If you have questions about or suggestions for these modules, please contact:
Julia Rodriguez, MiALA OER IG Chair, ~juliar@oakland.edu